How to Disassemble a Pool Table?

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Last updatedLast updated: December 19, 2024
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If you own a pool table, you have unlimited access to hours and hours of fun with your friends and family members. Whenever you feel like it, you can just begin a pool game on the spot and challenge each other. The only challenge you will come across is when you will have to move your pool table, either at a new location in your house or to a new home. Since a pool table is heavy, it is not as easy to disassemble and transport it. This is why we will discuss how to disassemble a pool table safely and conveniently here.

While it may seem intimidating at first, it is all a matter of having the right tools for the job and using the correct technique. Disassembling a pool table will take up a good portion of your time, so make sure you have cleared out your schedule. It is also wise to have at least one person to help you in this mission. In addition, if you are looking to buy a new pool table, you can check out the best portable pool tables, since they are just as fun as the regular ones and are easy to move as well. Our top pick is the HLC Folding Pool Table.

Tools required

Disassembling a pool table requires specific tools, and if you don’t have any of them, it is better to ask your friend for one or buy it so that you don’t get stuck in between the process. Here are the necessary tools for the job:

  • Cardboard box or bag
  • Drill with Philip’s head bits as well as flat-head bits
  • Flat-head screwdriver
  • Markers
  • Moving blankets
  • Needle nose pliers
  • Plastic wrap
  • Plastic Ziploc bags
  • Staple puller or remover
  • 14mm and 15mm ratchet wrenches and socket wrenches

If you have sourced all of these items, it is time to get to work, and you can follow these instructions to take apart your pool table easily. Do bear in mind that there is a difference between pool tables and snooker tables, and The Guardian describes this in detail in their  article Trusted Source Notes & Queries: Are snooker players more skilful than pool players? | Snooker | The Guardian Plus: Austerity philosophy – Popper or Socrates? Life-cycle of a tree; Formula One on the M1 .

Remove pocket liners

How to Disassemble a Pool Table?

The first step to disassembling your pool table is to remove the pocket liners if your table has them. They are fixed to the table with screws or staples in some cases. You can remove the screws with the flat-head screwdriver, or you can use a staple remover. Once you do this, squeeze the sides of the liners and push it down the apron. This will help you take out all six-pocket liners. You can place them in a box or bag and place the screws or tacks in a Ziploc bag. Make sure to label the bag accordingly.

Unscrew rail bolts

How to Disassemble a Pool Table?

The next step is to remove the table’s rail bolts, and for this, you will need to flip the table or lay underneath it. This process will require a drill with the socket wrench attachment, and since each rail has three bolts, you will have to remove 18 bolts. You can place these bolts and other parts in a Ziploc bag and label it ‘Rail Bolts’.

In older pool tables, the table rails are attached in two places with separate bolts, so you have to use different tools for removal. Once you have unscrewed the rail bolts, you can lift the rail system from the table with another person and put it aside.

Disconnect corner miters

The next step involves removing the corner pieces from each corner of the table. When you remove the rail system, it will expose the corner casting brackets, which will be removed with a flat head bit. After removing the screws and brackets, the corner pieces will be lifted off the rail system. You can place these corner parts in a plastic bag and label them.

Disassemble aprons

All pool tables have four aprons attached to the rails. Now, it is time to unscrew the apron bolts.

Before you remove the final pin, place your hand on the apron so that it doesn’t fall.

Remove the apron and place it inside a moving blanket to move it safely. You can place the apron bolts and other hardware inside a plastic bag.

Take off pocket castings and rails

Now, unscrew the bolts on each pocket casting with a 14mm ratchet wrench. There will be a total of 12 nuts and bolts, which you can remove and store in a plastic bag. Place the castings in a box or bag. Once the castings are removed, the rail can be packed into a moving blanket, which you can close with the plastic wrap.

Detach the felt

It is time to remove the felt from the pool table, for which you will need a staple puller and needle-nose pliers. If the felt is stapled, use the staple remover to pull out the staples. Be careful while doing this, and also make sure you store each staple safely.

Since felt is fragile and can tear easily, caution is advised. If the staple puller doesn’t do the job, use your needle-nose pliers to remove the staples completely.

In some cases, the felt is glued to the table. To remove this, you have to pull the edge of the cloth gently. Fold the felt neatly and place it in a plastic bag for safe storage.

Remove slate pieces

In each piece of slate on the pool table, you need to unscrew four slate screws to remove the slate pieces. Use the drill to remove these screws, and carefully place the screws in a separate plastic bag. Don’t forget to label.

Before you remove the slate, mark each slate so that you know its position on the pool table. Be careful while removing each slate because it can be quite heavy and can also get scratched easily.

Disassemble the frame

Now that everything is removed from the frame of your pool table, you can flip it over and get to work on unbolting the legs. Place each bolt and other hardware inside a plastic bag and label it. Wrap each frame inside a moving blanket separately, and secure it with plastic wrap. And with this, you have successfully learned how to take apart a pool table.

Final thoughts

As you can see from the process, you don’t need a professional to help you dismantle your pool table. Learning how to disassemble a pool table is fun and easy, but it does require a lot of caution and care so that you don’t injure yourself and don’t damage your pool table as well. If the unthinkable happens and your pool table gets damaged during transport, you might have to buy a new pool table. If you are looking to have unlimited pool matches with your buddies, we suggest you buy the Mizerak Dynasty billiard table.


Notes & Queries: Are snooker players more skilful than pool players? | Snooker | The Guardian
Plus: Austerity philosophy – Popper or Socrates? Life-cycle of a tree; Formula One on the M1
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